Friday, August 7, 2009

This new blog site..

This will be a blog site to add words of wisdom; wisdom I have learned along the pathway of life from friends and family.

The first words of wisdom to be posted is from a letter to a friend:

So many people are being uprooted from the safety of their homes. Why? If the Lord wants us to be in our homes, safe and secure for the security of our children and grandchildren, why are we all being uprooted? Why are we being torn from our safe environment? Why was Joseph Smith torn from his family and home so many times as well as so many of the Saints? Brigham Young had to leave his home five times. Obviously a safe, secure situation is not the answer for us, for His people or he would protect us from this mishap and insecurity. A quote from the book Christy I have always kept in my scriptures: “We are not to be ivory towers, sitting upon a pedestal, where no one can touch us or relate to us.” We are to be as King Mosiah: working right along with the people.
You and I have had a lot of experiences. We can share these with others so we can help them with their trials. The Lord has told us to not hide our light under a bushel but let your light so shine. This is not being an “ivory tower”, but as a sinner, a repentant sinner, touchable, reachable, available to help everyone with an outstretched hand. In order to lift others and help them through the pitfalls we cannot hide in our secure shelters. “Where much is given, much is expected.”

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