Thursday, October 15, 2009

Job, "Man is born into trouble, as the sparks fly upward."

"Wide-ranging research show that highly religious people lead markedly different lives than others: they can expect to be happier and healthier and to have stronger marriages and families. After turning from atheism to Christianity, writer M. Muggeridge compared entering the religious life to 'a journey into the azure sky, beyond appetite, where love is all-embracing, all-encompassing and dark confusion of life sorts itself out, like an orderly smiling countryside suddenly glimpsed from a high hill as the mists disperse in the sun's light and warmth.' (Great description of spiritual knowledge- having the Holy Ghost with you)
"Yet believers know that even with a strong reliance of the Lord, not all is sunny, and darkness often looms. Counsel to Job, 'Man is born into trouble, as the sparks fly upward.' But in those troubles, religion lightens the load, offering hope, renewing strength, uniting families, and encouraging followers to help others. 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,' Jesus said, 'and I will give you rest.' For those who have discovered the abundant life, one no longer hidden from the world, the yoke is indeed easier and the burden lighter."

Great article by Elizabeth VanDenBerghe, Ensign, Oct 1994